How to Install a WordPress Theme from a Zip File ?

Simple Steps to install a WordPress Theme when you have the Theme as a Zip File

  1. Backup your website (before any major change to your site)!
  2. In WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance | Themes
  3. Click on “Add New”
  4. Click on “upload” [10/20/16: “Upload Theme”]. Find the file on your computer and select it.
  5. Click on “Install Now”. Theme will install. See installation progress in lower left of screen.
  6. Theme should install successfully. Congratulations!
  7. Activate it if you’d like to make it the live theme. Or click on “Live Preview” if you’d like to see what it looks likes without taking it to live.
  8. Make sure to check that it looks OK. Especially menus and widgets!
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